The summer school will take place from Monday, September 16, to Friday, September 20, 2024 online via Teams. Please see below for the agenda (alle times in Central European Summer Time, UTC +2).

Day 1: Monday, September 16 - How to Cloud

Getting to know the de.NBI Cloud and each other: celebrating interdisciplinary and technological progress. Take a deep dive into access, roles and requirements and learn more about the project idea.

[09:00 - 10:00] Check-in & help with technical set-up
[10:00 – 11:00] Introduction (Lisa Schaak)
[11:00 - 12:00] de.NBI Cloud (Martin Braun, Jakob Mathis)
[12:00 – 13:00] Lunch Break
[13:00 – 15:00] de.NBI Cloud continued (Martin Braun, Jakob Mathis)

Day 2: Tuesday, September 17 - How to Data

Before we can get the data to work for us, we need to work for the data: draft a data management plan, record all processing activities in accordance with the EU-GDPR, ensure IT-security and ethically sound and unbiased FAIR data.

[10:00 – 11:00] Data Protection (Fabian Praßer)
[11:00 - 12:00] Data Management I (Jeanne Wilbrandt)
[12:00 – 13:00] Lunch Break
[13:00 – 14:00] Data Management II (Jeanne Wilbrandt)
[14:00 - 15:00] Data Ethics (Lisa Schaak)

Day 3: Wednesday, September 18 - How to LLM

Now we are finally ready for the long awaited action: today we will be deploying our own LLM in the de.NBI cloud. Learn all the practical ins and outs of generative AI and transformer architecture. And see all our planning efforts from the previous days come to fruition.

[10:00 – 12:00] LLM Deployment I (Sebastian Lobentanzer)
[12:00 – 13:00] Lunch Break
[13:00 – 15:00] LLM Deployment II (Sebastian Lobentanzer)

Day 4: Thursday, September 19 - How to Service

We are live – but for how long? Today we will take another deep dive into the technical details – such as Let’s Encrypt certificates, reverse proxy, user authentication and backup – that are fundamental to keeping our service up and running.

[10:00 - 12:00] Operations I (Martin Braun, Jakob Mathis, Foo Wei Ten)
[12:00 - 13:00] Lunch Break
[13:00 - 15:00] Operations II (Martin Braun, Jakob Mathis, Foo Wei Ten)

Day 5: Friday, September 20 - How to Success

You’ve made it! Today we will be wrapping up our week’s work: we will reserve some time for self-study and Q&As to complete your hands-on examples. We will also look at some real-life examples and discuss the associated successes and challenges.

[10:00 - 11:00] Wrap-up Discussion (Lisa Schaak)
[11:00 - 13:00] Guided Self-Study (Martin Braun)